There are 2 new videos up on the “Livestreams” page. A beautiful conversation between Tim and Adam Levy, as well as a duo performance between the two.
In total it’s about 2 hours of amazing footage!
Skylark #tuneofthemonth
This was a fun song to learn. Thanks Tim for the deep dive.6 Comments -
A few updates for today: tweaked a few bars in the “Mastering ii-V-I Harmony” course and updated the downloadable PDFs.
“She’s A Woman” now has a lesson video attached to it, that covers the performance.
New lesson added to “Blues Guitar Roadtrip” Course. That’s 5 of the 9 total lessons done!
Colin Montoya-Lewis replied to the topic Hello, I’m Colin in the forum Introduce Yourself
Replying to my own post to add a question…
I have read (on the inter webs) that craigslist, or open mikes/jam sessions are good places to meet people to play music with, but, I don’t feel ready to sit in at an open mike, and most of the craigslist posts seem like young kids wanting to start a metal band. Nothing against being young or metal…Read More
Hi Colin, in the UK and I’m sure in the US, there are a few ‘findmyband’ apps that you can register on and filter your tastes to find the right people, singers drummers etc and if they’re pro or purely just doing it for fun it’s a good way to find people in the same boat as yourself
Hey Colin – I live in Seattle. Not right across the street but in the same hemisphere as Lacey. Another forum member (who lives east of Seattle about 30 min) and I have been planning to get together one of these days but, in the meantime, we have been exchanging backing track recordings with each other (I record a track over something he sends…Read More
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Really nice, Ryan!