• Currently working on an awesome collection of static Dom7 blues lines for next week (as well as February’s Tune of the Month). Tim’s vocabulary is literally endless.

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  • I highly recommend Seventh String Software’s “Transcribe!” it’s what I use for all my work and the slowed quality is very good. Relatively easy to use as well!

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    • What a fantastic recommendation! I got it yesterday, and it’s great! I’ve been using (the free) Audacity app to loop regions, but this is much better. I haven’t worked yet with its note and chord guesses, but I figure they’ll be helpful.

      • Also, I’m a bit of a geek, and pretty quickly got it responding to a MIDI foot pedal (and “expression pedal”) for start/pause/restart within a loop region, and even “scrubbing back” while I hold down a pedal and resuming when I let up. I expect this to be a big help.

  • For some reason I can not see the “Livestream” section. When I try to enter it sends me to the main page. Just letting you know if someone have the same problem or it will be solved? Thank you 😁

    • Hey Victor, here’s what the admin gave me a while back when this occurs.

      “It could be your browser or something weird with its stored history.

      To get around this, you can add /?nocache=1 to the url. Like this


      This will bypass your browser’s and servers stored version of the page, which it might not h…Read More

      • Also, you can try clearing your browser’s history and cache first and rebooting the browser to see if it corrects it!

  • This is a question about how to think about playing melodies over chord changes. I’ve been at this study about 6 months. I have begun to be able to visualize/find the intervals of chords I am playing. IOW, I’m still slow, but I can identify the 3rd, 7th, etc. by looking at the root of the chord and visualizing the patterns (so, for example, if…Read More

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    • Colin, I don’t know if your way is sensible or not, but I use the same approach.

      • Thanks, Richard. That helps to know. I guess what worried me is that there is so much information in books and on the internet that just doesn’t seem that relevant or important to study. I don’t mean that it’s wrong to know those things, just that they don’t seem to be the things to start first. That said, I worry that it’s me who is failing…Read More

    • This is kind of how I visualize the fretboard. I’m looking for chord tones as well as arpeggios and then I build off of that afterwards to find the 9, 11, and 13 and their alterations as well. Eventually for me it turned into seeing scale patterns around chose chord shapes.

      • Thanks Jeff. I’m glad I asked this question. The responses are helping me to feel like I’m on the right track.

        • Colin, I think how you are approaching things is “sensible” I would also suggest that eventually knowing the note names as well will bring everything together. the two things aren’t “mutually exclusive”

          • Actually, I think I have a question about this. Are you saying that I should eventually know the names of the notes on the fretboard, or that I should know that a B7 arpeggio has two sharp notes (B D# F# A)? The first seems easy, the second seems like memorizing the phonebook. I mean, I guess I know that the key of G has an F# after repetition,…Read More

  • Hi Guys,
    I’ve just wanted to share, that last week I was a on a jam session, and I took a leap and sang skylark with a jazz trio setup 🙂 It was very fun!
    I like this song from a long time already, and was happy to learn it hear. However I’ve never heard it on jam session, so now I called it 😉
    Next time I prepare with the guitar accompaniment…Read More

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