Hello!!!! My Christmas Gift, my new axe, Orlando Legend #004 (Stratocaster) It has been added to my collection. Hope you like!!!
I promised to post the link to my merch store.
here you go
https://tim-lerch-guitar.creator-spring.com -
Admin question:
1.) I’m enjoying the new Christmas lessons, but rather than having a Soundslice of Tim talking on the “lesson” page, can you post a scrollable PDF of the music instead. It would be nice to follow the measures as Tim discusses them.
2.) On the Community section, can you add a “Like” button to peoples comments. As it is, we…Read More
I may be in the minority here, but I am a fan of the chord grid notation style. It seems that everything new is being published as standard notation. Is that to be the case moving forward?6 Comments-
The problem that we have with chord grids is that they take a lot of extra work for me since they have to be hand drawn by yours truly. I can see if we can add simple Guitar Pro generated chord grids to solo guitar performances. Also remember that in the Library there are many solo guitar lessons that are written in the old TL Chord grid style.
here is the url for the library https://timsguitarworkshop.com/courses/tims-transcription-library/
Everybody’s learning style is different. I appreciate that having it all on one page could be too much work for Tim, but for me the ideal sheet has it all, standard notation, tabs, chord symbols, and chord grids- in know that is a lot to ask for but when a sheet has it all ( like some of Tim’s true fire courses, I refer to all of them -when learning …
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I’m in total agreement. Love the Grids.